
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Sunday, June 27, 2021

Just over a week to go now...

Nothing goes smoothly and they say that battle plans go out the window with the first contact but come on, man! My original plan was to fly out on the 4th of July which would give me a couple days to acclimate to the 'higher' elevation of Moshi and a bit of R&R before the trek. Not even a week and a half before my flight I get a notice from the airline that my flight has been changed from the 4th to the 5th. Cue the mad scramble to get my initial hotel reservation changed. (Note: even though I booked through Expedia and contacted them immediately, they were no help at all. I guess they tried once to get through to the hotel but as it was the middle of the night in TZ they gave up and tossed it back in my lap. On the positive side, I had been informed that normally it would take 7-10 days for them to do anything I at least knew within 24 hours that they would be no help.) On the plus side, I've got my KSA exit/re-entry visa, & my Tanzania visa already printed out. Got my geocaches all printed out as well. I must be missing something.

So, at work, everyone that had C-flu is back to work, none seem the worse for wear. I know at least six that have had it, only one went in the hospital and he is obese. The other one that had it kind of bad had been fully vaccinated for over two months. Here I've been not wearing a mask, not taking any precautions but I couldn't catch it if I tried. Go figure. Although the government is pushing their app denoting whether one has recovered, had one shot or both (they haven't figured out that the J&J is one shot). Some places even want you to scan the QR code in the store for a little more accurate tracking of the people. Funny thing if you tell them you don't have internet on your phone you don't have to 'check in'. BTW, I don't have data on my phone b/c the company was too cheap to pay for a data plan on my number. My office buddy didn't want to get the jab mostly because he's young and wants to have more children, didn't like the idea of any sort of genetic modification. Can't say as I blame him much but it would have been his job if he hadn't. I wonder how much longer we'll be in this mess. They don't seem to be checking our app at the gate anymore, just temperature and most times the guards don't even look at the reading. Ah well. Do we feel safe yet?

So, a little over a week before I will fly...

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