
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Friday, May 28, 2021

23rd Pslam

 Welp, around 4:00 p.m. on Friday I received notification that two more co-workers have come down with C-flu. Two that I work closely with and one of which I frequently converse with as his office is just across the hall from mine (and we share similar interests.) In other news, he had been fully vaccinated about two months ago. Talk about #thingsthatmakeyougohmmm Both are close friends of mine but both are healthy and probably will recover very quickly and I'll see them back at work in a couple weeks after their symptoms subside.

Siesta time, there were 3 lying on
the concrete & 1 on the compressor

These truly are 'snow' peas
So, it's been a boring week at work. Next week promises to be about the same. Schedule: get up early, drive to work in the crazy traffic, put in my time and try not to catch the C-flu, drive home.

Speaking of crazy driving - the other morning as I was tootling down the highway on my way to work this car comes zipping across all four lanes in front of me, at about a 45° angle mind you, to catch his exit. Fortunately my reflexes are still very good and I was able to slam on the brakes enough to just barely miss the corner of his car. Another tenth of a second and we'd both be doing 360s. As he looked back from the service road I hailed him with a good old Detroit salute. PMO to say the least - oh, and obviously he was out of blinker fluid in his car.


"That'll buff right out!" The guy in 
the van kept trying to use a 
tissue to show the other driver 
that he'd never notice the dent.

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