
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Friday, April 10, 2020

More weirdness...

I've been waiting for the other shoe to drop and then it did. Of course it seems like this beast has more shoes than a centipede. Late this past Monday, just before midnight, my cellphone rings, which is extremely odd. It was a recorded message from my company saying that all of Jeddah is on a 24/7 curfew/lock-down effective immediately. I checked my messages and there is the same thing - "contact your manager for further instructions". Being as it is so late (after midnight by now) and I am such a nice guy, I send a text and an email asking for direction. Didn't go to work on Tuesday since I heard nothing back. I got a call from one of the Saudis who work in our office and is on the same schedule as I am, asking where I was. I told him I did not have any letter to allow me to travel. He got my Iqama and license plate numbers and by late that day he sent me a picture of the permission to travel letter from the military.

There is a good reason for having that letter. This isn't like 'Murcia, where one might get a wrist-slap or just a verbal warning. Here they are serious. If you are stopped while out during curfew with all this panic you will be hit with a 10,000 riyal ($2,667) fine for the first offense. I don't know what the second offense penalty is but I do know that jail is in there somewhere. I don't think I'd fit in very well there. I never did hear back from my local boss although my boss in CA did talk to me about what the heck is going on. He seems like a nice guy.

At any rate, I went to work on Wednesday and picked up a hard copy of the letter. This was a good thing since as I was coming back to HAFH I got stopped and the officer wanted to see that letter. I found out from my wife that the royal family had all relocated to the Jeddah palace recently. This explains why the southern part of the city was on 24/7 lock-down before the rest of the area was. The royal palace is on the Cornishe Road just to the south of where I work.

Well, next week is 'off' for now although there was some noise about going back to a day on/day off schedule. Hopefully I will get a little more caught up here. I've got a couple posts to complete about some more interesting visits that I have yet to post pictures from. We shall see.

Oh, and my flights home were canceled except for the R/T from ORD to DTW. With no way to get there it was rather pointless that they preserve the last leg I would say. Only about a 15 minute wait on the phone to get my refund kicked off; very pleasant and helpful real-live person from British Airways.

Still no word on when the airport may be reopening.

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