
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Sunday, April 26, 2020

Way too long since my last post

Okay, so this one week on, one week off is wearing thin. On top of that the curfew being 24 hours except for 'necessary' trips to a grocery store or a medical/pharmacy visit is very restrictive. Oh, it was nice that the laundry shops are considered essential so I can get my shirts and slacks done. In any event, I'm living in an up-scale prison with even the local gym, etc. closed. However, not that I use them, the company did get some of the workers at the compound store and restaurant to move in to the compound so those two establishments could remain open. This is probably more for the office staff in the compound and families than anything else since they have absolutely no other reason to leave the compound.

Ramadan (which began on the 24th) curfew has been changed to 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. (from the old schedule of 6 a.m. to 3 p.m.) So technically we lose an hour but there was really nothing to do anyway.

I've been stopped at exactly one of the many check points and just held up my 'pass' letter - the guy never read it - and was waved on. On another occasion I believe the guy was going to ask for my letter but saw my badge and just motioned me to go. Last couple times getting on the base to work, the guards never even checked my ID at all. There was still the obligatory temp check at the inner gate however. All this is wearing on a person, me at least.


As you can see the traffic has been down to almost zero, this is the new rush hour.

Found this little buddy when I stopped in at the weight room to empty the dehumidifier bucket (since no one else seems to do this at all.) The body is about 2-3" long and he looks as if his left front leg has some sort of problem. 

He must have told his friends about me since the other day when I was getting checked out at the security gate coming back in to the compound the guard tried to tell me something as he was looking at the roof of my car. He motioned me to get out and look. Up in the middle of the roof was this guy's big brother apparently riding around like he was my pet or new ornament. He quickly scuttled away and I haven't seen him since.

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