
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Saturday, March 28, 2020

I swear I'm jinxed...

Okay, when I thought things couldn't get weirder, Karma takes it as a challenge.

As I had said, at work we were split into two groups and given a one-day-on/one-day-off alternating schedule. On Thursday (our 'Friday') we were informed that things have changed once again. Now we are one-week-off/one-week-on starting this week. So, 9 days without anything to do. I need a haircut and everything is closed. Apparently pharmacies and grocery stores are still open, I'll have to check on the laundry but that won't be any problem until the end of the week.

Also, got another email from the U.S. Embassy that they were in talks with KSA to allow some commercial flights to repatriate U.S. citizens. I'm not really sure whether it is safer here or back in the states. In any case there would be no return until this was all over. To date KSA had a bit over 1000 cases and 3 deaths. The U.S. has taken the top spot with over 100K cases. Some sources seem to be implying that there are some places in the U.S. that are experiencing rioting and looting (emphasis on the looting). Is this factual? IDK

In all, I don't really come into contact with many people and almost never random people so I believe my chances aren't all that bad. Even if I was 'lucky' enough to get it I am likely healthy enough to survive. We don't shake hands any more, just elbow bumps.

This was posted a couple weeks ago. 

I've searched some of the more reputable sources and it would seem that the mortality rate for this disease is highly skewed and most likely not a reliable indicator of the actual rate. However, just because 'they' may quickly come up with a vaccine I will NOT be jumping on that bandwagon. I survived the original Swine Flu in 1976-77. Remember that? There was massive media hype over it and you MUST get the shot. I did and was very sick for over a month. Numerous people were killed by the vaccine and there were a whole bunch of lawsuits. We were all fed a bunch of mis-information then and now I am very skeptical of any quick-fix. Heck, I didn't even get another flu shot for almost 40 years, didn't kill me.

As Alfred E. Neuman would express:

Life in the Cave

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