
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Saturday, July 31, 2021

Traffic circle with a little model of the volcano
Walked through Moshi, nice little city for the most part.

Got up about 6:30, went down to the lobby for breakfast - could have ordered eggs if I had known they cook them to order - still it was good. Met with the TrekkingHero contact (Abraham) and guide (Oswald). Signed forms saying we could 'die' doing this. Oswald checked my gear and I guess I passed - fit it all in a duffle. Met my hiking partner (Gordon) who seemed glad that he wasn't hiking with a youngster (he was a month shy of 71.) He lives in Utah so he could commiserate with me about the lack of beer in KSA. He got in late the previous night and had severe jetlag. 

Got some of the story of his life & wife (2nd marriage for both). He's a retired neurology research PhD, not a doctor but more of a clinician(?). His wife was born in Czechoslovakia and is about 10 years younger so not retired yet. He said she remembers when the Russians rolled in and took over. She got out when she was 19 and was convicted of something in absentia so was hesitant to go back. Apparently she does not like communism at all.

Across the street from the hotel, boys
walking home from school.
Oswald took me on a 'hike' through the city to pick up some diamox (helps prevent altitude sickness) and a phone chip for me. I like to have a local number if I'm going to be in a place for a while. (It really proved useful this time around.) However, I apparently 'failed' the test - not pole-pole enough. (Pole pronounced 'poly' as in roly-poly, means slowly-slowly.) 

Back to the hotel for a late lunch and a brief nap. The weather is beautiful if cloudy almost all day. Cleared up by sunset to get some nice pictures of the mountain from the rooftop restaurant. (shown below)

Did I mention that after I arrived on the 5th that I got an email from Ethiopian Airlines (motto: Worst. Airline. Ever.) that they had canceled my return flight - no explanation. I had to contact a couple guys I work with to discover that KSA added Ethiopia to their 'banned' list. Now I have to figure out how to get back, but there is no time before the trek so it'll have to wait. "Tomorrow is another day." Guess the movie, 1975 is the best version.


Thursday, July 29, 2021

The run-up

 5 July - Very cloudy, Kili is socked in, no view, only the plane landing. Had a beer and a burger in BOL (Addis Ababa airport) then a little nap before the flight. Had a 1 hour and 45 minute layover on Zanzibar so I got to finish my movie since we weren't allowed off the plane. More people got off than got back on so it was a very empty 787-8. I ate too much this day, carbo-loading for the hike, lol.

The landing at JRO (Kilimanjaro Airport) was mostly clear and mild temperatures. Glad I filled out all my Visa & C-19 test stuff online - and the health form - just a little faster through the lines. I'm still negative on C-19. A guy from San Diego behind me in line was suprised that I was going to climb the mountain, he asked me how far up I was going. I replied, "No further than the top." I crack me up. 

Got 'blind-sided' for a 'tip' - guy quickly put my bags on a cart, walked less than 25', put them through the x-ray and then back on the cart. He wanted $3 US (6900 TZSH) I had no ones so I gave him 20 SAR - way over the line. Live and learn.

Driver was 'right' outside the door with my name spelled correctly (Ali). He had me go around the car to the left-hand side then I realized that was why he was to the right of the exit as I came out. In TZ they drive on the left side of the road so when you cross you look right THEN left, I was just instinct for me to look to the left, not see my name, then look to the right.

On to the hotel (4 star Moshi style) from the airport is about a 3/4 hour drive. Wow, lots of lush farmland with crops growing everywhere. I didn't take as many pics as I should have. The traffic, while wild, is not quite as scary as KSA. Tuk-tuks, 125-250 cc motorcycles (with three, driver, one on the back part of the saddle and the third on the luggage rack), assorted trucks, vans, cars, etc. Hotel is just off a dirt road, still pretty nice.

Had Kilimanjaro pointed out to me a couple times, once on the road and again at the rooftop restaurant. It looked a smallish cloud within the clouds but you still could make it out. All checked in at KWH, "2nd" floor room, very nice. Had steak and a couple beers for dinner. Met a couple (Peter & Annette) from Frankfort, Germany. He was familiar with Michigan (MSU) and Vermont. He had learned about making maple syrup and milking cows in the Waterbury/Stowe area.

Early to bed, had some really weird dreams.

Cloud in the clouds
Close-up a little easier to see
Outside my window

Tuesday, July 6, 2021

Saturday, July 3, 2021

Champing at the bit


Well then, I should have some good weather for a hike and it shouldn't even be that windy on 'summit' day (starts midnight July 12 and should be at the peak by sunrise or so.) But it will be a little nippy compared to temps I have become (somewhat) accustomed to in Jeddah. Today it is over 35°C in KSA compared to 26°C in Moshi TZ. Looks like I'll hit 32°F at around 4500m or ~14,750 feet up. Mid to low teens Fahrenheit at the top with wind chill down to the single digits. New moon will be on the 10th so it will be a starry night sky for the last climb. I should have printed out a star map for that evenings climb.

I got my PCR test done just now, pick it up tomorrow afternoon. Check in for my flights tomorrow morning. Get my last online form filled in. Then stay up late since Meet & Assist will be picking me up to go to the airport at about 1:30 a.m. for a 4:30 a.m. flight.

I'll get into Moshi around 5 p.m. so I'll get a little look around before sundown. It's all uphill from here.