
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Thursday, December 31, 2020

...and Happy New Year!

 Welp, still no fly for me. 

It is 26°F in Corunna and 26°C in Jeddah - the twin cities. A dusting of snow on the ground here and high humidity with a chance of rain there.

On the positive side, after a blurred shot of a red-tailed hawk on our deck railing, I learned how to manually focus my (complicated) camera. For scale the railing is a 2x4 with a 1" railing cap so the bird is about 10" tall with a tail about 5" long.

Caught a Downy Woodpecker gladly attacking the suet feeder. Later on there were four White-tailed Deer crossing the corn field in back of our house looking for an easy meal no doubt. Saw a nice and bright red sunrise one morning. Then there were a few male Cardinals that visited the feeders. There have also been some fat Blue Jays but they haven't sat for photos just yet.

Downy Woodpecker enjoying suet

Red-tailed Hawk

Saw four deer crossing the field

Four friends checking out the remnants

Beautiful sunrise (and yes, it did storm)

Late sunrise ~7 a.m.

Mister Cardinal

My best side

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