
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Saturday, May 30, 2020

The Flora Issue

There are lots of little flowers and many large and small plants all over the compound. With the "little problem" these past couple months (and yes, it has been over two months now with all the various schedule changes, curfews, etc.) the workers that did the gardening have mostly been scarce. Nature carries on despite human problems. But still, if plants, such as the ones near the base of my stairs, don't get watered they die. I've been trying to water them a couple days each week.

That's AstroTurf
Getting overgrown
Bushes at the end of my building
Same group of bushes
And again
By the dispensary
... with these little flowers
By the office building
These are the flowers
Almost looks like a sort of milkweed
Pretty little flower
With their seed pod?
This picture doesn't do the hedge of flowers justice
(Justice Hedge of Flowers sounds like a good name
for a band)
More white flowers
... and pink ones
Another bush
... with lots and lots of flowers
Of course there are palm trees...
...with a lovely bunch of coconuts
No, the sidewalk doesn't end,
it just turns into a jungle
I've got some seeds from the pods,
maybe I'll try to grow something

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