
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Friday, March 20, 2020

Day, what, three?

"May you live in interesting times." (not exactly a Chinese 'curse' but there are parallels.)

Things are certainly odd here in the Magic Kingdom of late. Late Tuesday evening I received a phone call from the director in the building where I work. He said, rather cryptically I might add, that I was to be in 'group 2' without any real explanation other than I'd find out Wednesday when I came in to work. Interesting. As it turned out, I am in 'group 1'. Our office is going on a one day on, one day off, schedule for the next two weeks. w00t! It meant that I started out with a 3-day weekend. (Some of the other buildings have apparently gone on the same 1/2 time schedule.) Side note: with reports that the virus may remain viable in the air for 3 hours, can 'survive' 2 days on stainless steel and 3 days on plastic, my feeling is that this schedule is of somewhat dubious value. But hey, if it helps keep people from panicking then it is probably worthwhile.

Of interesting note - one of the soldiers in our building *might* have been exposed to COVID-19 but the test has not come back yet. Yet a little more interesting - the office the soldiers are in is right beside my office with the two doors adjacent. Just my luck - I used up all my good luck when I married my wife, there is none left.

On Wednesday I also read the announcement that all mosques (except the primary ones in Mecca & Medina) in the kingdom are closed for the next two weeks. People are still required to pray, just do it at home. That is some serious business right there. From what I have read, KSA seems to be taking this situation very seriously indeed.

Today I got an email from the U.S. Embassy in KSA that since the U.S. is going to 'level 4' that all U.S. citizens should consider getting back to the U.S. if at all possible. That advice is a little late, KSA shut down all international travel, in or out, last Saturday. I'm sure all the diplomats and their families got enough warning and are safely home with their families. When I spoke with my stateside supervisor last week I was told that at this point the company has no plan to evacuate any expats. 

Things can't get worse can they? Hold my beer ... All the facilities for exercise & entertainment on the compound are now truly closed. Nothing to do at all. The little Oasis restaurant is closed except for delivery & take out. The small convenience store is still open but who knows how much longer.

Now I read (and 1 hour later got a notice from the U.S. embassy) that KSA is stopping all domestic flights AND all trains, buses, and taxis (including Uber & Kareem) - all public transportation - for two weeks starting 6:00 a.m. tomorrow, Saturday. Of course the price of gas has not dropped here like it has in the U.S. 

On the plus side, since most people don't use it, there seems to be no toilet paper shortage.

I'm just waiting for all the 'wailing and moaning and gnashing of teeth'. Weren't we promised zombies during the apocalypse? They are probably on back order just like the flying cars. I spent part of the afternoon utilizing the all-natural UV sanitizing process that seems endless over here (AKA tanning). (And NO, I did not mean 'au naturel'.)

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