
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Quick observations

I was told by Sayeed that I could get coffee filters at the facilities office. My boss here needed some for something he makes 😉 so we walked over together. Nope, need a requisition form (also for pens, paper, etc.) This must be how it is when you work for the military, just guessing. Still no coffee at my HAFH.

No fob, no account, no time recording, no pay? I'm working for free here. First day at the office on Sunday, Dr. Osama (no relation) is walking me around for introductions and all of a sudden the power goes out in the building. "It never goes out here, this is the first time." Yeah, right. More bad omens, LOL.

Got back to the apartment on Christmas Eve and the power had gone out during the day so no internet and no TV. That's okay, I watched a movie I hadn't seen (Captain Marvel - pretty good). Got to bed fairly early, I'm still a bit jet-lagged. Next morning, still no connection in the apartment. No biggie but I noticed after I got to work that my phone had updated my email on the compound-wide wifi during my drive to the gate. So, get on IT to fix it. Apparently the power outage disrupted security cameras and a bunch of other stuff. Still no network when I get back, three calls later, finally fixed so I can video chat with the fam on their Christmas morning.

The community relations director thought I was a visitor when we had been briefly introduced last week so I didn't get the invite to the Christmas dinner/gift exchange for the evening but she said to show up anyway at the Oasis (restaurant in the compound). Get my food, sit with the only other guy I know at all here, start eating and we hear this noise getting louder. Turns out to be the mosquito spray truck, so rush inside with my food. "It's always something."

It became a little dark after sunrise
Boxing Day - apparently there was a solar eclipse after sunrise this morning so there was a bonus prayer time. Office doors locked and almost no one showed up until after 8:00 a.m., banker's hours.

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