
  Sorry but my writing muse has been curled up in a fetal position for the past couple months. A few of you probably know why but for the re...

Thursday, August 6, 2020

Geocache was a bust . . .

. . . but the views were nice and I got a really great workout (even if it was only 1.7 miles.) Spoiler alert! We got no where near the cache. (If you are not familiar with Geocaching here's a link: Geocache) We only climbed up about 800 feet but (except for the Garmin gods hiccup) a lot of it was at 100% (45° angle) up to 170% (60° angle) or more incline. The top portion is where we decided to see what was around the other side because the climb was becoming even more difficult. Then we realized that we were nowhere near the initial peak we were supposed to be headed for, less than halfway there. The peak we were on probably went up another 300' and then there was a saw-tooth ridge heading up to the real peak. Didn't look like a safe climb for both of us wearing sneakers and not hiking boots.

Discretion being the better part of valor, we decided to bag it this go around. We never even made it to the 'trail-head' that gets you to the steep part of the real peak.  Going down the other side through a different valley was much easier. I'm going to suggest to the cache owner that he may want to edit his description. 1. Don't attempt if you are not very fit (even my friend had a hard time and he doesn't break into a sweat on our nightly walk.) 2. Carry more than 1.5 L of water, I ran out halfway down. 3. Probably not a good idea to attempt this in the summer months (temp was above 99°F with a heat index of around 130°F, fortunately there was a very brisk wind.) On the way back I even found a better place to park nearer to where shepherds had taken their flocks. It also gives an initial false sense of what peak you are headed for but being a much easier climb it may not be quite as disappointing.

The other 'old man' that I go on my OMWs with.

Very short distance up, that white spot is the F150.

The rock formations were stunning to say the least, wonder if anyone ever stayed in that cave.

I had thought we were headed up just past that peak in the middle. Wrong!

I <3 rocks

This is the 'zoom in' of the next picture. The road we came in via is the line in the tan portion in the upper third of this pic.

Pan out of the previous pic. It was hazy and hot.

View up from the previous picture. Maybe we were halfway, maybe less?

All stones, most sharp, many loose.

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